I’m already at some psychic
Leave me
Then, all right? Now
Night dark beautiful
No power on our rural road
No power we can see
And isn’t that a stunning word
To employ, power, when I
Wish for leveling, for balance?
Realities collide
What I wish, what is,
Shows essence in the midst
Of frustration, and
Meanwhile the utility trucks prowl our
Road, reassuring somehow,
Simply just their prosaic quest
How pure and beautiful this dark
Forcing contemplation
Forcing surrender
Only a few moments really, these eleven hours,
Perhaps more, but never mind,
In the greater scheme I’ll never know, I
Shall humble into dark, join
Myself into
One bolt of nothingness
And everything
When the children were little
We walked the night
Listening to the indigenous
Creatures of that dark cover,
Mindful of meadow and pond,
We learned to suspend insistence
And give in to
The vision of the moment’s night.
Never could I have imagined
That lesson coming home
In my fulsome fury about
A simple power outage
But here we are, and it is so
And I overwhelm myself with
The deep lightlessness of
My mind stirs,
Straying into the brackets
Of my life.
Earlier I fought to photograph
This storm, its changing light, but
Could not get it right
When all I needed to do
Was feel the winds change
Trust the corridors of derecho
And gale, and let words find
My elemental learning
Tonight I understand
From the young guys in the trucks
That everything went out and down
Over on Seneca in this day’s late
And so here
Atop the pause
Descending from the Hector Backbone
Down toward Cayuga
The world just had to stop.
The power’s come back on now.