And the unawareness of it
Sat like a plague universal to me
Through some long slogs.
I was alighting with nerves,
Constantly reaching for what
I know I had,
And forgot that I had
Tethers, ultimately releasing me.
It's not easy to somehow say
Just leave me be, I don't have
Much to offer now.
Spring arrives in its own time.
Fallow is ephemeral to every rich season, and
There are stars scattered in the
Brutal wind.
They dot the frozen heaven.
I look at the ground, so deep in its slumber,
Snow covering all with
Snow covering all with
The blanket that we'll see lift into
March and April waters.
There is good eternal reason
For the stress and birthing from the fallow.
Snow covering the elemental now, I see
It's one day at a time.