Friday, December 18, 2015

About December

This, a December day,
Trying to become winter,
Layers quiet upon the countryside,
A mantle over howling strife
Taking over sanity, robbing
Goodness from my life.

But gratitude wells up inside,
Calm knocks and says, be still, and
Watch the chickadees,
They squabble at the feeder,
Watch lone snowflakes, languid motion
Floating from the stern grey sky,
Their lace gone before alighting.

I am weary of
Assault by poseurs, scheming bandits
Who will vanish into some
Post-trauma mist;
They won't matter after their allotted
Sound bites, furious pacings;
They'll be ghosts, just viral mendicants,
Figments of a cosmic evil
That flared and spat out bile,
Dared my earnest mission, balanced core.

Meanwhile soon our family will arrive,
We will close in around
Our own warm hearth,
Fall back into small rituals,
Of mercy, memory and creating,
And we'll watch
Our dogs and comment
How they romp like
Cousins on a summer picnic,
We'll make a trifle, bake some bread,
And feed appled fat-wood
To the fire.

This is all there is, and all there should be,
Breathing in this grey December day,
Watching as light changes, as
The winter solstice comes.
I say a prayer for joy,
A prayer for peace and fairness
As the hours pass,
Reflecting, I look through windows
To the back, the sleeping fields,
The western sky that rolls toward
My old home; I think, now time
To do some chores, bring in more greens,
Find the candles, shelter in, for
Soon enough will come
Another lift-off into night.

Sunday, December 6, 2015

Bloom the Earth

Reflecting on the repetitions, those
Carried spaces in between the
Constancies of
Light and dark,
Effort and repose,
Interstitial possibilities of
Joy and despair thrive lucid,
Calling me.
Years float thru as my toehold
Slips in one world to become
Tenacious in some other.
I enter and fade through time.
Watching love and beauty
Shapeshift as roses
Die on winter canes,
Stillness becomes motion.
Refusing to give up, I am
Breathing into dream.

Saturday, November 21, 2015

For Buff, Zora, and MJ, Paris, November 2015

Across the homelands
We keep watch,
We see the future coming

The buffalo have now returned 
They graze the grasses long in spring 
And winter wheat will come in time
For harvest after solstice.
I am Tatanka Itancan.

Water glints in morning sun,
A shadow curves to surface light
Folds back down, a graceful dive,
Scales flash and disappear.
I am Cante Skuya Win 

While arching high and over us
Thermal riders fly through clouds,
We hear their cries, the darkening skies,
The Golden Eagle watches.
I am Anunkasan Tokaheya

Across the homelands
We keep watch,
Though we may leave and then come back
To care for Unci Maka
And so this is our vision now,
Ancestors guided us to this
We ask you keep your promises 
We pledge that we'll keep ours. 
We're all one heart, one voice, one plan, 
The one Creator gives us.

Sunday, November 1, 2015

No Way Out

Out in the meadow the Japanese maple
Burns red in November sun, slanting in low enough to uplight
The lowest limbs.

Red, it pierces me, destabilizing an
Already unsteady self, wraps anger
And fear twinning as I fight the tears.

In past times I've loved the fall, my
Season, the season of my birth,
I thought that I've been good and strong
And tried to occupy my space and time
With some intention; 
With love and an open heart.

Red, like blood, like fire, fugitive,
This intensity.

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Six O'clock AM

Yellow moon,
Round spotlight in an
Early wintery morning,
Fog lifting from the
Frosted fields, a
Close porous mantle 'round
The restless owl.
He'd been hooting
As I drifted off,
Was plaintive when
I woke; the room moon-bright,
My blinded sleep sealed
Wakeful in the silent house.

Alone I strain to recognize
The settling creaks
And sighs of the old place,
The changing darkness
Of the full moon waning
Stirring near-noiseless creatures
Moving on the metal roof
And along the gables,
Big as running bears in
A wary, undreamt landscape.

If he were here I'd have
Tossed and turned
To shield away
The interrupting moon,
And not heard a thing but
The voices in my dream:
Wake up, wake up,
There just might be
A new day waiting, coming;
We're calling now,
We're ready now
For you to claim the light.

Sunday, October 4, 2015

North Woods

Russet on the golden miles
The swaths of bracken bronzing 
Into nestled corm to sleep
Amid the thistle and scrub pine
Giving way to watery
Bogs, to kettle lakes
Rimmed by boulders and outcroppings. 

We drive consumed by shouting silence
Of conversation unimagined
When we were young and 
Starting off in a world
Undimmed by so much peril.

But I still carry him, although 
He's gone forever, leaving
Memory in the stillness of my heart,
Ahead of days that roll uncertain
Into a dark where no light shines.

And yet a door was opened once, 
And I will never close it,
Meanwhile the maple and the birch trees 
Shed their leaves,
My season metamorphose
As with theirs, because 
All things must change,
Although for some of us, 
All things will stay the same. 

Monday, August 10, 2015


It's hard,
Really hard to keep 
This train on the track.
Some days I don't do well at all
Trying to do this,
And if I give in
To reality,
I'd have to quit trying.

So I live on this 
Restless line,
Praise singing from
Some sweet ordinary sky,
The bits of dust kicking 
Up on our country road
Suggesting possibility to reclaim
A spot on this wildly and not understood spinning globe.

If only the black flies 
Would cease
The space outside
At near-perfect dusk
Could seduce me into
I've been so wrong,
Maybe right at other times,
But nonetheless this insight 
Shakes me with this 
Psychic throttle: 
Woman, don't give
Up, and if you do, 
Make a fiction of it and don't forget to
Weave in the thank you bits. 

Meanwhile, hello 
Lovelies, you old lilies blooming now, I see 
You wait in perfect splendor
With some rhythm I'll never
Magnificent in the splendid
Diffidence to these strange 
And crippling fights
These ferocious struggles
We think are life and death.

No, life 
Is fulsome in this outside refectory, this holy constant solace, 
And I missed this space, these 
Past few weeks of ancient growing glory 
Probably because of my own self, my failure to always 
Ithaka in mind.

Now gratitude rises to 
Meet the road
Where someone wends his truck to far off home down into the next section;
The neighbors' kids shout their coming in; 
I hear them faint in my
Primordial settling of all this stuff,
And there is
Bird song mixed into
Across the forest, 
Placid Seneca
Floats, miasma
Under still haze
Indifferent as I 
Fret and fuss into
This new stuff, determined 
To live my place, 
Be nourished.

Who will know if 
I quail in resolve
And vision? 
I listen to myself, the 
Answers I have 
Just guesses.
It doesn't matter if I
Succeed or fail. 
Main thing is, I say, I tried.

Sunday, July 19, 2015


Heat is too high
In the house, 
The metrics of the change,
Dew point
And humidity, the stillness
Of the wind I'm trying to beckon
If this front moves through,
All insufficient logic for the
Misery of the body.

Enervating and
A bit cruel,
Unci Maka is just
She is who She eternally is.

It is hellishly hot 
Before the 
Sunset on
This mid-northern clime 
July day;
We have water,
Wildness of weather,
Weeds, and
Not too much sun,
Though I wonder
If this is how they'll feel
When I am gone, for it 
Is bearable.

I do see all the beauty, 
Reordering what looks
Like chaos into the paradigm
I see coming.
If I can just get to the 
Other side, I'll be able
To tell them.

Sunday, July 12, 2015


I was standing 
In the dim barn, watching as
The swallows swooped,
Diving under old rafters
And stirring up near-dusk.

From that
Frame I gazed out into the paddock
Boasting stands of
Queen Anne's Lace, old
Stumps persisting
With growing green shoots,
While beyond, in the pasture,
Sarah traded fly masks 
For hackamores, hitching 
Long leads to bring 
Compliant horses to
Graze in grass near the 
Spot where we were viewing 
The pinking sky, mammatus 
Forming and then dissipating
Into the soft dusk of 
Seneca's miraculous hills.

The horses would have none 
Of our sentimental scenario,
Balking at the paddock's threshold
Into the barn,
And thence into the night's
Oncoming recap of a sun-struck day.

Still, her slim communing,
Her own golden mane in
The picture as I watched 
Was more perfect than what
She envisioned:
The swallows swooping,
This daughter and her tawny 
Horses, seen through 
Queen Anne's Lace, 
Tinged by closing gold, 
Of her pure perfection in my

Saturday, June 13, 2015

Settling into Time

Lightening moves through,
Off to the northwest
Like vapors,
Pushing away a storm 
That is sometimes best to bypass.

I suppose
I can just tell myself my
Stories as I figure the way out.

Sky flickers and the night
Unsettles more, but softly. 
My friend said she's going to
Turn away for a while. 

In some cases that could be
A perfectly balanced thing
To do. In others 
Perhaps not as balanced
As it is the radical shift at 
Time's end. 

I don't think I can turn 
Away for a while, 
But I can turn and face
The rush of past, 
Gleam of future 
When it's barely there 

I have to wonder,
Looking at photos and gardens and things,
What does beauty really mean?
Lately I've given up a great many
I have so little time
To become aware

It doesn't really matter
I guess.
I untangle my hair
Like a night-gowned prairie
Woman, and 
Put it in a braid
For the night: I 
Imagine and remember and
Call back to my lovers.

Outside and in
The disarray is fevered 
And I think
It's the way life is

I imagine the yard and swaths
Of green blowing tall
Because unmowed, 
I see the gardens beautiful in 
Their blooming, changing seasons,
Filled now with need of weeding.
I imagine going back to lie 
In the long grasses of the
Plains. In reverie 

The house leans into deeper
Beauty's flaws, its disrepair
We see and cannot change, 
At least right now.

At least right now 
I'm like this place.

Sunday, June 7, 2015

So Beautiful This Wind

There are people like me
Sitting in the edges of the wind
Wondering how we manifest 
What we know as the elders we are
Connected by nothing
But physics. 

Mechanical Lessons

God damn
The mower just refuses to be fixed 
I wanted light, setting sun, peace, rapprochement
Weeded gardens and weeds trimmed, all
To arrive tonight by my dint

Not so

But out there his peach teeshirt
Recedes toward the back plot
Waiting for vegetables in
This weather crap that we've messed up,
Thoughtless humans.

I'll not dwell on the meta
I'll just try to keep the beauty 
Of this tiny micro-bit up here in mind

Out there
Peeking through
The back spruce
We need the spruce
To keep out the dust
When Bobby ploughs. 

His teeshirt 
Out there 
Fades like magic into 
The sky hiding behind
Spruces, and I know that is 
The sunset
But hadn't seen how we blend and fade into 
The ethos, this beautiful 

It is orange 
Behind blue
And this light
This air
This breathing 
This unearthly panorama
Saves us,
Nurturing us 
As we extinguish 
The old. 

And meanwhile in 
The wind bringing in the front
We grow young
On this cusp of 
We are.

Thursday, June 4, 2015

Moving into Balance

Down side of the ridge
The western sky bands 
Colors of an unsettled
Sunset. It was brilliant
Looking from the second floor back window.

I wonder how many souls
Miss extraordinary light 
As it wends
Its way to the other side.  

For now, the grey stratus, cirrus and nimbus
Lurk and call; 
There was an earlier diamond 
Of sky blue
And now the gun metal light
Gone the red and pink, while

Symphony score
Rises in a night that's
Trying to quiet;
Bullfrogs arrive. 
Scampering subsides.

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Comes Calm

Watched red-orange sky recede,
Glancing long into my
Rear view mirror,
Coming home from Seneca,
East through the 
Finger Lakes Forest.
Going over earlier,
How beautiful it was, and
Green: long light
Bathing wooded stands
Punctuating plush watered
Hills, tip of Appalachia.
I knew, despite the truly
Cold May, June days,
And infuriating rain that has
Interfered in
Planting vegetables,
That eventually
Summer would have to come,
Heralding the road's sparse
Path to summer pasture,
Reminding me there is the
Local rhythm, to take me
To my thankful place:
Bobby's snow-bound-weary cattle
Finally gone, to fields across
The Forest's ridge, 
To Hector Grazing.

Thursday, May 28, 2015

Descending Everywhere

Sitting at dusk
All the other worlds come 
Alive, as the 
Light slants into 
The earth's far side.
Billions of souls
Meld under one fine 
Canopy, the one that floats 
Above us all,
Harboring cries and whispers. 
We make our way
Beyond the waiting veil. 

Tuesday, May 26, 2015


Last evening Chinese lanterns
Sailed to Canada in the
Windless night,
I watched the children's 
Faces. They were mesmerized.
They are old enough to 
Light the magic 
Floaters and so they did.
We craned our necks to
Watch the lanterns lift gently high, to a
Thousand thousand feet,
Lofting, glowing, quiet, until gone, 
Such small ephemera, 
Small beautiful moments
We created in our meadow, 
Bullfrogs tuning into their 
Night fugue, and 
We saw first fireflies.

Sunday, May 24, 2015

Seneca Lake

Quarter moon
Lolls low and indolent
On green spring night hills
Across the Hector Backbone.
I forgot to say to my friend
Today, stop fretting now. Just
Keep doing what you're doing;
Distractions are just
That. You can let go
Those million tasks
Into the blue grey deep of Seneca Lake. 
I do, and the promise 
Flows, silent and older than
Our fight. So let
Ours be as elemental. 

Sunday, May 17, 2015

The Gift of Necessary

Carry me and
I'll carry you. 
World may, may not be, and
In the going to 
Wherever awaits,
I think,
All that really matters is
Just carry. 
Shoulder the chore
The task,
The goal and dream
Carry each person
Carry each dream
Carry my heart. 
I carry your heart. 
We don't have long
To try.

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Working on it Late

Finally the grass grows long,
The cornices need repair,
The old goat drew her last breath 
At the edge of spring,
And too many four-leggeds
Died hard beginning
On some high plains' 
Pastures somewhere, then
All the way across 
The northern, as
Brutal winter extracted
Its toll.

Here, nurturing 
The lessons of the 
Last few months,
I've given up
Almost all that isolation fosters,
Though I've been
Cherishing the
Shoots, and 
Looking for