Monday, February 24, 2020

Way Beyond Twilight

For now the dark sky calls,
Space between my solitude
And my isolation
There is a difference
Seems to be sorting out
In the nighttime 
Barely anything that I can see
Without my spectacles
Except the darkness barely lit by
Some high, long visage of a 
Light rolling steadily descending across
The long plains
After it slipped down through the forest 
All need releases into it, 
That balance, hovering from 
My quiet place. 

Thursday, February 20, 2020

A Little Insight

Running on empty,

I light a candle, and blow out the kitchen match, setting it down on the small table

And I pick it up, sure I won’t burn myself when I see no ember on 

The tip, but the tip hugs the wood and 

The rest pulls away.

Once my mother said she would never have pity

For some; long unaware decades I didn’t much understand, until now, her 

Ferocity. There are 

Weeds and wildflowers in my 

Windy landscape. If I run out of gas, 

So what? 

Sunday, February 9, 2020

A Week in February

Moon skittered across an opening sky
I came to bed too late and 
Missed its arc hugging the window 
With the ellipse 
That frames my nighttime and
Morning views, but it’s 
Mostly night I have been missing
As I’ve been coming to bed too late.
The heavens have always helped
Me find balance; 
Not to keep, but to always find
I crave the dark and the deep 
Vast quiet 
All sorts of treasures reside there
I told a nurse today, I 
Had to see a surgeon for absolutely 
No big deal, 
But we got to talking 
And I told her, 
You know what is really good
About the age thing
Is that it is perfectly fine 
Indeed admirable or at least
To be a little crazy. 
The night light floods my sounds
Celtic ballads, an organ plundering
 Into transporting chord,
Bright shadow streaming into song,
Tree frogs, coyotes too 
When they feast
Voices from 
Bangladesh and Gullah
Baying, crying, hosanna
A far tinkle of laughter
Stirrings of blood and past, 
Haunting me and 
Weeping into time as it shortens
My disablements.
I know I’m fighting 
But when I stop, when I want to,
When I see what strums the chords 
Of this small bolt of light I call my life, 
I hope maybe I might move to purpose,
And like the phases of the moon, 
There really is no end and no beginning
Each wax and wane the signal.

February 3 and now February 8