Tuesday, October 29, 2019

This Day

Cutting hydrangea in the 
Dark of the night sky, 
No light but 
They’re drying into late autumn
And how beautiful they are on the
Eve of my birthday. 
Peter brings me cut flowers 
And then I think
To also cut some holly
Red and disappearing as I turn
This way and that from and 
Into moonlight,
My fingers feeling the rough bark
Making my way to the place
Each stem grows away from
The branch before I clip

Tomorrow when the sky grows light
I’ll harvest more from this 
Bounteous patch of life that we tend, 
That we love, careful to give thanks,
And I might keep clipping, and 
Clipping, cutting and bringing in
Until the whole house is 
Filled with magic 
As the living, once living, 
Take over every space,
Petal and tendril, 
Still-supple living stem, her leaves
Crawling into the 
Corners and crevices, hooking
Into peeling plaster and uneven 
Isn’t that the way life goes on,
Blooming, growing, surprising, 
Yearning, reaching, praying, balancing,
Accepting, praising and always, if we 
Give in, 
Lifting into light? 

Saturday, October 5, 2019

Harvest Moon

I would like him to
Think, without thinking,
She smells like earth
The scent she always wears

I have all I can handle right now
And it’s powerful,
An Orenda, 
Everything is fine.