Friday, September 21, 2018


On an apple-dappled early fall day,
Clear, brisk, high skies, and wind that
Made the turning, just-harvested 
Cornfields magic in their windy dance,
We were driving with some serenity,
Arriving, she walked with Sarah, back
Towards the sunny apple orchards,
Tugging on
A leash worn never, really, except to
Visit this country vet or go to see family,
But the wind blew her ears back,
And the sun was on her face,
And, Sarah said, she was bursting 
Into the light, she knew that it was coming, just 
As I unhinged myself into the dread,
And went somewhere where I needed to go, 
And then the right arrived. 
Beautiful dog of the earth of this place,
You formed us here, near 
As long, you were,
As we are. 
Here, on this road, in this garden
This pond and rotting, rooting 
Piles of history, you will always live.
All breathing creatures cherish home
In their ways, not all, leaving, take it
With them. 
You are here, sweet girl. 

You are home. 

RIP Jade

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