Wednesday, August 21, 2019

He was a Friend of Mine

Where do you go?
Where do you go when things are
So outside comprehension? 
Maybe I just tend my garden,
Worry about my really old dog, but
He never stopped.
He tended. Thank you Frank.
Tend, actually, that’s all I can do. 
C’est sufficant
RIP and you rise. 

In memoriam Frank LaMere

Monday, August 5, 2019


I sit on the small concrete bench
Under the trumpet vine in the 
Evergreen garden, 
The chamaecyparis 
Bending into my frame, as I look out
Up north into the darkening sky. 
The trumpet vine is old, winding, sinuous 
Old and laden with that 
Coral orangeness about to pop
There are fireflies in this peaceful place
Although there’s 
No way can I capture them.
Suffice it to write
These fireflies winking 
Are the gift in the chaos. 
I snap a photo 
Looking east toward the back of my house
Over the top of the arbor vitae hedge surrounding
This old garden,
It’s flat, no light from my house.
Sometimes it’s a rough passage
Between here and a house unlit,
Or maybe I mean lit,
The toll of the struggle pours into
These last days,
And I’m just determined,
Maybe, no, praying for balance.