Saturday, May 18, 2019

Being Here

Sitting tonight outside
On a tattered winter-struck patio
Not yet rescued by broom 
And potted things
I’ve mowed the long hardy grasses, weeds 
Twice now in this long
Recalcitrant spring
I’ve noticed many bluebirds
Fewer robins
And this afternoon spotted
My first little brown toad of the season
Hopping away from the 
Frightening sounds of my mower
And truly, watching, as I carefully turned 
Away from her hideout in
A clump of unruliness around
The smoke bush back by the barn. 

The sun is descending and small grey 
Scattered cumulo stratus nimbus fill the 
Western sky behind the firs that keep
The dust from from Bobby’s plowing from 
My windows, opened
Momentarily to admit spring cleansing before
I close them up
For an unseasonably chilly night

The dip in the back 
Opening amongst long, tall
Stands of spruce and fir,
My alleĆ© I call it there, though just an 
Unkempt magic land of burrows, 
Rotting stuff, rust chuff 
From ancient evergreens
Carpeting a path, well-known 
By generations of animals, and 
Through this window 
Bits of peach and gold from the
Disappearing day cast
A blaze 
An instant that 
Beckons belief
My hands are cold and
It’s time for dinner. 

May 18, 2019

Sunday, May 12, 2019

Mother’s Day

The blood can catch up, 
The Hurley stubborn in me
Don’t want to go anywhere
Don’t want to go no mo 
This old fabric of land 
Here rent
With memory 
What we could never know
Except that it comes alive, the
Place just blooms, 
The air, the light and the
Dirt shifting
Thinking to temper obdurate,
Some kind of self taps at 
The wild, taps on the window
Look, see this vastness
Loves seem to bloom
From deep down into those
Sighs, long those shadows, and all 
So beautiful in
The sun

May 7, 2019

Friday, May 3, 2019


Working on a theory
Borned from some trauma,
Most immediately that of
Accident and bad luck
Becoming as bad as bad dream 
As an unwelcome life of it all
Took root,
Day, night and all the in-between moments
Of fear, doubt, what now and
So forth. 
The thought occurred to me as 
I took a photo of myself as I do
Most everyday, in perhaps a vain
Moment hoping to capture a small
Shrinking of a scary hematoma on my
And I tried to think of another word 
For it that wouldn’t be so jarring,
But there isn’t one.
I started to think about stepping 
Back and away,
As I more or less have done 
I too fight to save Mother Earth
And the people I love the most are so
Clear in their relentlessness
But I did step back, step away,
I had to, for whatever reason, a 
Near-miss, though perhaps I’ll heal
If I am mindful and do as I am told. 
Talking with a friend who let go
The disillusionment of comraderie
She, bleeding hope and passion and
A justice maybe just beyond,  
She said she had to turn away, for now
Or for how long, actually she didn’t say. 
It’s not just about the struggle
Some of us sometimes
Must turn to face another in another light,
The one that glows in the pit of 
Stomach, heart, essence, 
And so stepping quietly amid
The shards of betrayal and avarice
Dissonance and the flat hollow note 
Of someone else’s torque, 
We leave to find in witness and
Introspection a ground as vibrant
And authentic as any solidarity,
Only solitary

I felt this, briefly swirling in the static,
And with a grateful heart, I 
Vowed to try to share that there
Is power and vital balance when
All is said as best one can before the ring 
Is tossed to stars and hope, holding breath and 
Praying for the unseen hands stretched 
To take it up for a time, knitting the 
Intention into belief that something
Bigger waits for bigger breath.