Sunday, March 26, 2017

Three AM

I fix up the pillows, 
I close my eyes,
I've taken care of 
Everything that
Came along today, needing
Taking care of. 

So I keep my eyes closed
And I figure, when they've 
Adjusted, I'll see something
Out there in my own
Vast beyond, sometimes 
Red barn rooftops, sometimes 
Shapes of the garden in 
My night vision, the odd 
Light of it pulling my watching out
To the old barn. 

When I opened my
Eyes, the blackest night was 
There waiting. Tonight the fog

Monday, March 13, 2017


Are my spirit animal. 
Memories, people,
These creatures of my past and place, 
My great plains, 
Tangle altogether in 
Some living entity right on 
The other side of my reality,
In beautiful shade 
There all the time,
The web of my relations and that
Past durable, known and unknown, 
Perhaps forgotten,
But as clear as 
A ringing bell across 
The prairie comes the bedrock:
I loved them and they loved me
On that 
River of birds, that 
Grassland of sky,
And there was all relation. 
They will tell me
What I am supposed to do,
The cranes, they always have.
My grandfathers.