Friday, June 29, 2018

Let it Be

Homeostasis comes fleet and 
Comforts for long seconds 
In these solstice nights
Now passed, when
Light and words arrived
In the bark of
Trees, some ancient script, 
In patterns across land flicker-lit by
Late fireflies now come in these 
Last nights, and a
Summer skipping through spring and
Back, just too cold sometimes, or 
Hotter than hells’ bellows

In another life
I trod a highland pasture,
Not sure if I would cultivate it or not
It was the work that wore me down,
I tried to find some 
Balance in the heather and the gorse, 
On tavern floors, heels
Clicking, tapping, schessing,
Sounds lifting me to dancing 
And back to a cottage, still and spare, 
Gleaming whitewashed, perched on 
A cliff side tor
Under a highland moon, while 
Wind-sharp current from the 
North Atlantic carried longing,
Unknown, to never dissipate

I would rather have what 
Could have been
Than what was,
The now is what is, 
A bypassing storm
Leaving beautiful
Grays, lit by wind and motion, 
Whippoorwill call, and 
Other birds;
Bullfrogs tuning into night, and 
Close I hear them, hummingbirds,

Magic, all this motion.
The wind picks up again,
One storm floats away, 
Called across another constellation of
Patterns flying to the here then gone.
It’s like that, I think, 
Storms, light, wind, the 
Zephyr from an ocean shore, the 
Clean wash of stout breeze bringing 
Calm after those 
Cells that moved across
Plains’ skies
Flashed purple, lit by
Silver strikes, now flowing into
Years and decades on, 
And I, in primal memory
Recall how to read the signs, these
Things, alive and singular,
Coming from past, another life, 
Coming across oceans, 
Rolling from the prairie,
All the while when I was
Dancing in the mountains.

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