Friday, April 14, 2017


April 10

This morning I opened my eyes—
The way the light, or lack of it,
At any certain time looking back at the 
Shadows and the sky
Towards the barn tells me the time,
This morning I woke just before
Daybreak, and then around eight,
Slept for a few minutes more, 
Not the hour I'd hoped.

Anyway I woke straight awake, for a 
Reason, and before
I had the chance to fix my glasses 
On my nose I knew she was out there,
Just the slightest 
Disturbance in the field, 
Some slightly-burnished red
Mama shares my place,
Patient small beast who's made her peace
Enough with us to let her kits romp,
Tumbling through the stone foundation
Of that old barn, grey fur balls 
Pestering her.

I grabbed my phone to take her picture,
Moved quiet, whispered 
And you know, as I stepped shrinking 
From the bedroom's morning dim,
Climbing up on the sofa to capture her
Through upstairs windows, my slightest 
Movement a disturbance in her field, 
As she'd been with mine,
I balanced on my makeshift perch, 
Dug my toes into the sofa,
Watching with no breathing 
As fox and kits disappeared back 
To their den under the threshing floor,
And I thought, all is well this day.

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