Last night I dreamed
I lost my cellphone and my passport
And then, oh
I found after some
Ultimately futile
About what to do
That alas,
I’d also lost my driver’s license
And the billfold in which I carried it
And 800 dollars, and
But, and
Where, I woke to ask
Was I going?
In my dream,
After I knew I’d lost my passport
And my cell,
I was frantic:
Dad! Oh how can I even find you?
So I started
(In my dream)
To look through the cupboards
In my grandmother’s pantry
And just when I despaired,
I found I’d tucked my
My pocketbook—
The grey bag with lots of pockets—
Tucked it
Into the cupboard where
The china was,
That she wanted me to have
I found it
And so I woke to ask
Who am I?
This sounds oddly like my dreams - I am always losing things in my dreams, sometimes waking to madly dash to my desk, my briefcase, my wallet to find what I think I have lost...